Liebert® PSI 750 VA - 3000 VA

Liebert PSI is a Line Interactive UPS system designed especially for IT applications such as network closets and small data centers. It provides reliable power protection for servers, critical nodes, networkworkstations, large network peripherals, network routers, bridges, and other electronic equipment.
The flexible design of Liebert PSI allows the UPS to be configured as a self-standing tower or to be rack-mounted within a 2U space. It is available in four capacities, and both 120 V or 230 V models. Provides up to 5 minutes of internal battery backup time at full load provides ample time for an orderly shutdown of connected equipment.
Liebert® GXT4
Liebert® GXT4™ is a true on-line UPS that delivers continuous, high-quality AC power to connected equipment with no interruption when transferring to battery. It protects equipment from virtually all power disturbances caused by blackouts, brownouts, sags, surges or noise interference.
- compact 2U design
- on-line design means zero transfer time
- ECO mode option — improved energy efficiency
- easy service with replaceable, hot-swappable batteries
- two independently programmable pairs of socket
- rotatable multi-language LCD display
- rack mount kit & batteries included as standard in all models
- mission critical applications and systems
- network workstations
- servers
- network closets
- large network peripherals
- VoIP
GT4 5-6kVA
- Obracany panel z wyświetlaczem LCD w wielu wersjach językowych -
- Kompaktowa wysokość 5U lub 6U i niewielka głębokość (<600 mm)
- Automatyczna detekcja częstotliwości
- Zdolność konwersji częstotliwości
- Elastyczność montażu w szafie rackowej i obudowie wolnostojącej
- Możliwość wymiany wewnętrznych akumulatorów przez użytkownika podczas pracy urządzenia
- Możliwość wydłużenia czasu podtrzymania dzięki dodatkowym modułom bateryjnym
- Dostępny port komunikacyjny Liebert IntelliSlot®
- Zawiera program konfiguracyjny oparty na systemie Windows®
- Wbudowane porty USB do komunikacji z oprogramowaniem Liebert MultiLink™ do automatycznego wyłączania systemu
- Wbudowane styki sygnałowe
- Awaryjne wyłączenie zasilania (EPO)
GT4 10kVA
Wysoka dostępność:
- Wewnętrzny bypass automatyczny i ręczny
- Autodiagnostyka
- Korekta współczynnika mocy na wejściu
- Wczesne ostrzeganie o stanie systemu UPS -10 kVA w konfiguracji równoległej/nadmiarowej do 2+1
- Okresowe testowanie akumulatora
- Inteligentne zarządzanie akumulatorem
Liebert® ITA 10-40 kVA
Liebert® ITA wprowadza do portfolio Emerson Network Power nowy poziom elastyczności, w zakresie mocy od 10 do 40 kVA, pozwalając na łatwy sposób dopasować rozwiązania spełniające potrzeby naszych klientów.
- 10, 15 i 20 kVA (konfiguracje 3/3 bądź 3/1) oraz 30-40 kVA (3/3)
- Odpowiedni do montażu w szafie bądź w wersji wolnostojącej
- Współczynnik mocy wyjściowej 0,9
- THDi < 4%
- Wydajność w trybie podwójnej konwersji aż do 95%
- Sprawność w trybie ECO powyżej 98%
- Ładowarka baterii nawet do 6 kW
- Zintegrowana funkcja pracy równoległej
- Zintegrowany port LBS
The Liebert® NXC 10 - 60 kVA range offers reliable and flexible secure power in a fully integrated package solution.
Its highly efficient transformer-free double conversion technology delivers installation and running cost savings.
Liebert® NXC achieves up to 95.5% efficiency in double conversion mode and up to 98% in ECO mode,
reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) and environmental impact. With a rated output power factor of 0.9, Liebert® NXC is also able to provide 12.5% greater active power than a traditional UPS. Its spacious internal architecture is able to house up to four battery strings which results in a backup time of up to one hour and virtually eliminates the need for an external battery cabinet. The UPS is ideal solution that guarantees continuous power from IT and manufacturing to retail and transport. Its low THDi (< 5%) and active input power factor correction ensure that the current absorbed from the upstream distribution network is near equal to its nominal output current, hence eliminating the need for oversizing gensets and other equipment.

- 0.9 output power factor
- double conversion efficiency up to 95.5%
- ECO mode efficiency up to 98%
- input current total harmonic distortion correction (THDi) < 5%
- battery charger up to 18 A
- integrated manual bypass
- integrated input and output breakers / switches
- integrated parallel load bus and synchronization port (LBS)
Liebert® APS 5 kVA–20 kVA
The Liebert® APS is a modular, single phase output UPS, with both single and three phase input options, designed for the protection of IT equipment such as workstations, servers and networks, as well as telecommunications-related applications. The modular, scalable architecture of the Liebert APS is specifically designed to meet immediate load requirements as well as adapt to future increase needs, allowing expansion in increments of 5 kVA up to a total of 20 kVA with the simple installation of additional power modules.

- 5 kVA / 4.5 kW power modules
- configurable as single or three phase input
- stand alone or rack mountable
- hot-swappable power and battery modules
- intelligent battery modules
- double conversion efficiency: 92%
- integrated autonomy up to 1 hrs at 4,5 kW
- 1.8 A charging current per module
- optional 10 A charger module
- terminal block or output socket
- fully rated at 40°C